Okay, so this is one of FOUR blog posts for TONIGHT! This one is
wrapping up the Paris experience. The next one will be my experiences at the Roman Baths and Circus
Maximus. The one after that will be the Catacombs and the soccer game from last night, and the final one will be my experiences in FLORENCE today! So, the usual contents will follow: pictures followed by explanations. The first 17 are of Disneyland, and the last 3 are the GORGEOUS "
Manoir" (mansion) we stayed at just outside of Paris, in a town called
Gressy en France.
Before I get to my explanations, I have to tell the "funny apartment story" I promised a couple days ago. So, two days ago, I was SHOT from our Paris trip, so I slept in quite a bit. I woke up at about 12:15 in the afternoon or so, and I was laying in bed thinking about starting my day and hopping in the shower. Just then, I start to hear a door unlock. I could swear it was MY door! So, I'm staring at the door from my bed (there's a good straight line of sight), and then it opens... what the heck!? Some lady strolls into my apartment like she owns the place, and I'm like "..... hello!?" And she's like, "Ciao... blah blah blah tons of fast Italian and words I don't know blah blah blah ciao ciao ciao blah blah." So I'm like, ".....NO!" And then she's confused (as am I, naturally), so she makes a phone call from the corner of my apartment... weird. She gives me the phone (I'm clothed by this point... weird, I know) and some lady is speaking to me in English. she says that this is the housekeeper, and she came because they're showing my apartment today to some potential permanent-renters. The place was already tidy, but the housekeeper was there to ensure spic-and-
spanness. She also told me that if I had any laundry, I could give it to the housekeeper to do. She later informed me that the agency I temporarily rented the apartment from was supposed to let me know of this, but they clearly had failed to do so. So, my interaction with the housekeeper was awkward for the rest of her stay, and I couldn't get myself to make her do my laundry, so I just showered and got the heck out of there. Later in the day, nothing was missing, which is always a good sign. I'm assuming the apartment visit went fine for the possible-tenants, and I'll keep my eyes peeled for any pleasant old ladies trying to clean my house and break into it at the same time... while I'm sleeping.
Okay, onto the pictures!

This first one is of Amy and myself in front of the entrance to Disneyland Paris. Why the interesting pose? A restaurant in
Welfleet, Cape Cod, MA, called "
Moby's" posts pictures on their walls of people who have travelled the globe wearing their apparel. I have their shirt on, and Amy is kindly displaying one of their wonderful (and not stinky) socks. Look for it in the restaurant next summer for sure!
The castle at the end of Main Street within the main Disneyland Park. This Disneyland, like the one in California, is composed of two parks. One is called simply "Disneyland," and is currently celebrating its 15th year in operation, and the other is much newer and is called "Disney Studios." This is comparable to "Disney MGM Studios" in Florida.

Amy and I in front of the castle.
A great shot of the castle in the context of its landscaping and other surroundings.

Amy and I on Main Street USA (Yes, they still call it "Main Street USA" in Paris), with the castle off in the distance.
A shot of the castle behind one of the 15
th anniversary celebratory banners.

Amy trying on this child-size
Tigger hat. A perfect fit for her
lil dome.
Me jamming my fat head into the same hat... looking dapper as usual. This is one of a handful of pictures you'll see of me trying on various

Pirates of the Caribbean Island in
Adventureland within the Disneyland Park.
A parade that came through celebrating all the various Disney characters through the years. Clearly this is The Lion King float.

This crazy crazy man was playing the drums on The Lion King float.
Me rocking the Goofy hat. I owned a Goofy hat very similar to this when I was younger. This one doesn't fit my head so well.

The landscaping outside of the Disneyland entrance.
Amy likes this shot. Me waiting in line for Rock 'n Roller Coaster in Disney Studios.

A fountain and the classic Disney Studios silo in the background. Again, in the Disney Studios Park.

After Rock 'n Roller Coaster, trying on the 80's rocker hair. Again, my fat dome doesn't fit in this too well. Must still be swollen from my tumble... yeah, right... if only.

Amy and I in front of the classic Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse statue in Disney Studios Park.

A panoramic of the interior courtyard of the
Manoir De
Gressy, the mansion-hotel we stayed at while in Paris. Our room had a terrace leading right out into this beauty! This picture still doesn't do the place justice. Check out
http://www.manoirdegressy.com/ for their pictures and details of the grounds.

A panoramic of the front of the chateau. The main entrance is beyond the scope of this photo, off to the left.

Our room with the door to the terrace wide open. That means there was 25 or 30 degree (Fahrenheit) air blowing right into our room. Nice.
That'll do it for this post. There are many more to come tonight, so stay tuned!
nice pictures, but why is uncle joe chillin in front of cinderella's castle? manute, manute!!!
Bonjour Matthew:
Tres Bien Photographiques!
Ou est le french mouse?
Love, Mom
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